Well right now Im in Oakland, CA next to a pool in some random apt complex.
Theres redwood trees nearby as well as an orange tree by this fly looking back yard...
just got a whole disertation on the apartment complex which was cool until she made it
awkward by telling me her life story about her downstairs neighbor being crazy.... it felt
like she was grabbing for some energy in her gasp to tell. I did prompt a reply but it was
grabby energetically. This makes me think of my immaturiety coming of age as i learn
how to be with people and just know how much or how little to share of myself in a way
thats considerate. but it feels like theres an actual appropriate response based on the
level of where someone is in their relationship with me. I guess i havent really known
how to relate to people often in my life. it feels like a whole skill set. my brain is always
somewhere mystical or imaginary. i feel like i have an untrained mind or that its not
being used with a real skill set. I cling to god for my purpose and for my reality. god is
my exsuse for life. god is my being god is my love. god all. what i seek to know and
yearn to touch. god. god is the the material that all this is made of. god is the guide to to
our destiny. realization. no empire can stop that. even in the worst of situation where
man has crumbled all. this make space for god anew. to rule the world is to be a big fish
in a small pool. im a fish that runs on the land. is it time for me to
move on? i yet have question in my choice. what shall i choose. i choose this now: to
enjoy my summer and have fun. to not be so hard on myself and alow for a break that
my confidence my grow. to cling to god in my heart gently. and africa.... africa i will
take on. fully. nothing to intoxicate me. I will walk with god and god alone. nothing will
touch this most sacred part of my soul. i want it pure. this game is changing. i read the
book celestine prophecy. the book was an extremely
easy read. felt like what i would write if i didnt want to jumble a message too much with
the story. the alegory rode quite boldly on the premse. anywho... i learned a lot. the
persepective is all real for me. i know this. the game has extended. i know the goal. to
become immortal. or to be the one who brings your piece of concouciness to god. or to
yourself to be realized. this true realization allows you to be able to sit and vibrate to the
level of heaven which is already here. we must dissolve into god. this is not a going
back. this is a going thru. the process is the point for that there is no substitute. Energy
can only be built by relationship and the ones that are the most ancient are massive
conduits of god for us. by being in love with god you are to be in love with matter.
everything that you are and that you experience. god makes this all. not a massisive
asshole in the sky who watches and checks your everymove. this could only come from
someone with an agenda. this is not god. god doesnt even come. god is here. it is this.
fully and totally. unbiased. fully willing to take whatever we throw at it. there are
properties to god. just as there are properties to water and when respected they allow one
to be a friend of god. gods eager will is to pour out fully and honestly an abundance for
all, for all are intended. this isnt a game of be good for god so that god will... thats
backwards. god has already so what is your condition to receive it. this only can come
from moving from a base vibration of potential to an elevated vibration of actualization.
when told that anything is possible this is true. only the heart way, the path, the honest
fullfillment of relationship with god and the truth of what that brings up in you is the
path to actualization. proper love for this form of god that is my body and my life. to be
in love with this life!!!! yes death is part of this experience but it is only to make space
for evoulution of god anew. god wants to be in communion for god can only evolve if
we evolve. god gains from this relationship, desires, wants, communes this relationship
as much as the sliver of perspective that is i else this is not a real relationship. for a real
realationship births something completely interdependant and fully dependant on the
presence of all involved. this is not just to die and let go... this is to live and be in it. the
game is a giant invitation. rest in death for ashes clean anew but do not revert to lower
vibrations. stay fast in the movment upward and into from within. when someone or as
god has done always, reveals the most vunerable soft side any mistakes can only been
seen by a judgemental mind that cannot see how beautiful the one is who is being
judged. do not wield judgement in softest temple of someones being. this is painful as all
of us well know. only by being ok with where we are all.. .not even just be ok but realize
you are never away from god for you are from god. how can you be the opposite unless
you just choose to believe it. to know that god is right here is truth. the message of god
speaking to you in everymoment. if you heard every love song as the very words for you
from god. the very presense of all that is the very offering of god to your feet as an
invitation to enter into the fullness of who you are and what is possible for you in the
relationship that is your birthright. your roots. the very holding of your being. god is so
madly in love with you. die and truly under stand all the misunderstanding is the
recesses of your heart. god longs to touch the most vulneralble and pain ful ouch effed
up mess irresponsible moments. god completely understand the remorse of moments lost
and not fully potentialed but that can only come from the actual walk. how can you
assume that all would be already if hasnt been done already in this moment. history is
patterns not duplicated or repeated.
Im 5 months deep on an adventure through Africa. Here's some of what's in my head....
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